Monday's Motivation ..

Who inspires you?

Everyone finds inspiration from different sources for different aspects of their lives .. career, home, family, food, fashion .. and your health and fitness too.

Some people get inspired by how others look and strive to emulate that look.  If this is working for you that is great provided you are realistic with your expectations.

Personally, I find my inspiration to keep fit and training from many different people.  From elite athletes who have worked so hard to get where they are ... to the mums coming into the gym who are super consistent with their training and routine.  They work hard and have to balance work, family, training and life .. just like I do! 

This week, think about who inspires you to achieve .. remind yourself of them everyday, at every workout because I bet they are feeling and thinking the same things as you are! 

“ Allow yourself to be inspired.
Allow yourself to succeed.
Dare to excel! ”

Stay focused,  Stay strong
Fit Mum x