"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you" ... Emerson
I saw this quote today and for some reason it rang some bells with me .. I'm all for making the most of what you have. I see so many different ways that this can relate to our everyday lives that always seem so busy. So, I thought that I would share ...
Firstly, it is important to always try to the best of your abilities. You may only get one opportunity, make the most of it. It will pay off .. you may even surprise yourself with the sense of achievement / accomplishment / satisfaction that YOU made it happen! Be the best that you can be ...
Secondly, stop comparing yourself to others. You are not them and they are not you .. you are different people with different thoughts, needs, wants and abilities and each are unique to YOU. Besides, it wastes so much precious energy and you have got better things to do than worrying about what others are doing. Make the most of YOU!
Lastly, do something for yourself. I know, I know, I'm already hearing you say that you don't have time! Well, it's important! Make time for you .. make the most of you. It doesn't have to be every day, even if it's just once a week where you can do something that you enjoy that lets you think ( or not think! ) away from all the daily goings on. You are special, why not let yourself feel that way ...
Wow, now that I have written this all down it seems a bit deep and thoughtful!
What does this quote mean to you?
Now off you go and .. Make the most of yourselves!!
Fit Mum x
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