Some Friday Foolishness

It's the first day of school holidays now and despite some of the usual bickering, I heard the kids playing together today quite nicely.  When I heard what they were playing I had to share because it really does make me laugh.
Have you ever heard of the game Grandma's Underpants?  Well,  the basics of the game are that someone is "up" or "it" and the other person gets to ask them any question that they want.  The only response the "it" person can have is "Grandma's Underpants" ... if they laugh they are out!

I know this doesn't sound particularly difficult, we can all hold a poker face when we really need to right?  But, sometimes, actually nearly all the time, the questions can be rather ridiculous and it is almost impossible to keep a straight face .. it's even harder when the person asking the question can't keep a straight face!!  
For example, one question I heard was "What do you like to take to bed at night to cuddle to sleep?" .. the answer has to be "Grandma's Underpants" .. now I realise this isn't respectful in all cases but it's pretty darn funny when you think about it!!

The best part about the game ( apart from when I don't have to answer the questions .. ) is that the kids love it!!  I'm rather impressed that my kids found a fun game to keep them occupied for a while today .. let's hope it keeps up over the rest of the holidays!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  Training, relaxing, rest days ...

Stay strong, stay focused

Fit Mum x