My badge of sweat ...

As I was scrubbing off the remnants of my spray tan in the shower this morning I was poo-pooing about how annoying it was that my running shorts had rubbed off the tan on the top half of my thighs leaving me with a rather obvious running shorts line.

It took me a while to realize that I even though I had been scrubbing away furiously for the last two days, it still wasn't going ... I had indeed acquired myself a fabulous summer accessory ...

A running tan!

Next, I checked my shoulders and there it was ... A racer back tan!

They look gorgeous don't they?  Especially when wearing a strappy number that is so necessary in our ridiculously hot summer sub tropical climate .

I don't run during the day or afternoon when the sun is at its hottest ( that would be crazy ).  No, this tan can be acquired whilst running at 6am ...

At this point I might mention that a lot could be said for daylight saving or even cold, dark mornings but I won't because I particularly don't like cold, dark mornings.  I am much happier with hot, sunny mornings when you can tell the intensity of your workout by the pool of sweat at your feet in the driveway when you get home.

So I have chosen to wear my tan as a badge of honour earned through my own hard work, sweat and tears ( no really, there are sometimes tears ) that I will get sprayed out before my next Christmas function requiring a special frock!

Keep running!

Fit Mum x

Working out the new toy ...

For the last 18 months or so I have been asking Mr Fit Mum if he would buy me a new Digital SLR camera. Apparently we haven't needed one, so I have been making do with my compact camera.
I must admit that I am not a photographer .. I wish that I did have the natural eye of a photographer though.

With the upcoming trip overseas I pleaded my case and I have now got a new camera!
I am pretty excited about it and even though I haven't had a lot of time to practice I'm making the effort to get out around the house for some practice shots like these ..

Possibly marginally better than the picture of the rock ...

This is our native friend who visits quite regularly ...
My other subjects have been the kids. I love having photos of the kids around the house, especially those that I have taken myself.  In the past, even with my compact camera, some have turned out really well and I've been rather chuffed with them.

One afternoon this week I told the kids I was going to be taking their photos. 
Miss 9 thinks this is a great idea and turns into a contestant on Australia's Next Top Model ..
Master 5, what can I say, he is your typical 5 year old boy who just doesn't have the time for sitting still.

After about half an hour they had had enough.  I hadn't even had to threaten them with banishment from the iPad! Now is the moment where I show you a picture of the kids ..

I was really pleased with how some of them turned out. My favorites are the candid ones where they are being a bit silly. They might even be enjoying themselves!

I quite like the photography thing .. I might even do a course next year so that I actually understand what I'm doing!

Fit Mum x

Midweek motivation ...

Have you got dozens of things on your to do list?  I do.  

In fact, it's entirely possible that I've stopped writing a list because I don't seem to be actioning anything on it.  I even boycotted the list on Monday ... I just didn't feel like doing any of them.

Then on Tuesday I had a bit of a panic ... when am I going to get these things done?!  I made a decision on Tuesday afternoon.  I would do nothing on my list .. until today.

Today I chose one job on my list that I have been putting off ... and I did that job.  It's done now and I can cross it off the list!  

Now, your job is to get your list of jobs to do out ... choose ONE job ... and go and DO IT ... you know that it will make you feel relieved that it is finally done. 

It doesn't have to be a big job. 

Make a phone call you have been procrastinating about ...
Send an email you have been putting off ...  
Make an appointment you really need to make ..
Put away that basket of folded clothes you still haven't done ...

Just get it done ... today ...

Fit Mum x

November progress update ...

I have been asking these questions of my clients this last week  ...

How are you progressing with your goals? 
Are you heading in the right direction? 
Do you need to re evaluate your goals?

So, while I was at it I thought I'd give a quick update on where I am at with my November goals.

Goal .. Keep up the regular running and gradually increase the distance. 

Progress .. I am really enjoying running again and am back to running 5.5km about 3 times per week.  I am still taking it slowly and doing HR training.  I do feel that it is working for me too at the moment. 
I am recovering well and really look forward to the next training session ( well, nearly always! ).  It is definitely helping that I have a training partner!  This is a new experience for me and it's certainly helping me get out of bed on those days that it's a little bit harder .. like Monday after a big weekend ...

Goal .. Maintain a healthy balanced diet. 

Progress .. Hmmm ... I really am trying to be balanced.  The weekends are still causing a little bit of grief but I'm doing what I can to keep myself in check.  I don't think I do too badly.  Actually, it's really just the water intake.  I need to keep reminding myself to drink a glass of water at least every hour.  Note to me .. go and get a drink of water now ...

All up, I'm staying on track and feeling great!  That's what I have been noticing the most .. I have the energy to keep going.  I must be doing something right! 

Is it time to evaluate your progress?  Are you heading the direction of your goals for the month?

Fit Mum x   

I choose ...

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook today ... I don't know where it came from or who said it but ...

I wanted to share it so that we are all reminded to make our own choice ...

Fit Mum x   

Ripping that bandaid off ...

You know those days when you are not sure if you feel like doing any exercise?  You kind of do and you kind of don't. You know that you should ... It's in your plan for the week ...

I call these days my bandaid training days ...


You know when you have to rip the bandaid off .. You know it's going to hurt but it just has to be done. You know that you will feel better when it's over.

Today was one of those days for me.  Especially when I have to do my training after work. Mind you, I only work for a few hours a day but I'm usually pretty drained when I finish and all I really feel like doing is heading home for lunch and put my feet up for a little while.

So, on days like today, I just have to get on with it.  Rip that bandaid off ... 

Put my training clothes on and get out on the treadmill as fast as I can before my brain knows what is going on. Definitely have to make sure that there is some decent entertainment to keep my mind distracted from what I am doing.

And Voila! Training done! According to plan and yes, I feel much better.  I did what I had to do and didn't let myself get talked out of it.

Nike have the fabulous "Just Do It" .. well, sometimes it just doesn't do it for me.  And Michelle Bridges has added another motivating word to the phrase .. JFDI ( If you don't know this one, use your imagination ... )

But, I'm going to stick with my bandaid for the moment .. it's working for me!

When you have days like these how do you keep yourself on track?
Do you have a special phrase or word that gets you moving?

Fit Mum x

Are you just interested?

There's not much more to say really this morning ... How are you going to spend your week? 


Are you interested or committed?

Fit Mum x   

Who wants to be good?

It's Friday!!!

What have you got planned for the weekend?

If you are anything like me, things are getting busy with social functions.  Invariably these functions include food and alcohol ... possibly undoing all the good work you have done all week staying on track with your diet and exercise. Then Monday morning rolls around and the scales scare you ... it's all rather ugly.

So, how are you going to stay on track over the weekend?  That annoying word ...

Moderation ...

I know! Who can possibly practice moderation when there are fabulous parties to attend, food to be eaten and champagne to be consumed?

Look, I'm not perfect .. but I know that I can use my discretion and eat and drink what I need and enjoy without completely blowing out ... well, sometimes ...

I thought I would share some tips that I use when I really want to stay on track and not lose control.

Keep it light during the week .. Especially the day before and day after.  Be sensible though, because you still need to feed your body nourishing food and keep you functioning at your best.  If you don't eat, you feel tired and start to crave.  Who wants to feel tired when you should be dancing on tables enjoying yourself?

Drink lots of water .. We all know that we should stay hydrated.  Water is good for flushing out toxins and keeping our skin fresh and hydrated. It can also help stop the cravings so you don't end up picking at food and drinks you wish you hadn't.


If you are going to someone's place for a dinner or BBQ .. Offer to take something that you are happy to eat.  Offer to make a salad or fruit plate for dessert or veggies and hummus.  If your hostess prefers to be a control freak  is happy to cater, then see the next tip ...

Eat something before you go out if you know that there will be temptation or you know you won't be eating until later .. My favorites are an apple or some yoghurt and berries. It won't spoil your appetite but you won't feel the need to scoff the first thing that passes under your nose!


Don't get carried away with your beverages ... These empty calories make you feel crap the next day, ruin your skin and dehydrate you, particularly if you over indulge!  I'm not saying go dry, but it's probably not going to be the last drink you ever have! There will be others!

Avoid the naughty fillers .. The bread basket, chips, dips, cheese, crackers ... You don't really need these. They spoil a good meal later and after you have eaten too much you feel bloated, uncomfortable and ick ...


Have a plan before you go and stick to it ... Have an entree and not dessert or vice versa ... Have an entree size main meal ... Don't overfill yourself .. You know you will feel uncomfortable after.

These tips are the things that I personally do to try and stay on track.  They are definitely not the only ones ... Most importantly, it is your choice!

What are some of your tips that save you from the big blowout when you have many social functions?

Fit Mum x   

The countdown begins ...

Well, honestly, the countdown began in February. That was when we booked our tickets for holidays.  Now there is only a month to go!!

OMG, I could be starting to get a little excited! We are heading to the US to have a sticky beak around California and spend Christmas with my sister and her family who are currently living over there.

I'm going to see this Christmas tree in San Francisco!

We will be there for 5 weeks so as you can imagine, I could be excused for being a little anxious about how much I will have to pack for everyone.  That and the fact that it will be winter there.  Cross your fingers for us that it is not going to be ridiculously cold.  As a Queenslander, I'm kind of fond of the warmer weather and don't function particularly well when the temperature drops below 15C!
Oh and how exciting will it be to have a cold Christmas Day!! I will have to buy a winter frock, not a summer one!! More excitement!

The obsessive planner part of my personality has lists of things to do and pack before we leave ... To be honest, I have lists for lists ... ( but don't tell Mr FitMum )

I believe that there is a method in my madness.  Well for the planning anyway, the rest of my madness I'll leave for another day ... 

I will be so totally organised and prepared that there will be no chance that I will need to flap around in the last week like some crazy woman getting ready.  I'm going to be fabulously calm and organised.  We will pack up everything into the back of the car and head to the airport calmly and serenely as if we go on big, once in a lifetime holidays all the time. 
I will look superbly sophisticated, elegant and rested before the 13 hour flight and look just as rested and unwrinkled when we hop off the plane at LAX.  Well, that's what I'm telling myself!  A lot can be said for positive thinking and visualisation ...
Along with all the organising and packing, I'm even starting to plan some mini workouts that I will be able to do.  Five weeks without exercise for me and I may possibly drive the family insane. 

M..I..C..K..E..Y  MOUSE!!

Yes there will be a lot of walking and touristy things ( particularly around Disneyland! ).


One of my favourite things though, is to go for a run and check out the sights.  There certainly will be a lot of exploring to do and by going for a run I can do a quick recon and find out all the interesting looking places ( read .. shopping / eating ... ).

Did I mention I was excited?  I love holidays!  And I love exploring new places!

When was your last holiday?  Did you do anything exciting or was it a lovely relaxing break?

Fit Mum x

Where did October go?

October seemed to go by so quickly for me, maybe I just wasn't watching closely enough ...

A quick update post on how I went with my health and fitness plans for October .. here's what I planned to do ...

Back to running .. well, sort of .. I embarked on the run / walk method for October and I really enjoyed it.  I managed to get out 2 - 3 times each week.  Miss 9 joined me at least once per week and we really enjoy our run together.  I even talked our neighbour into joining us, and she is having a great time!  I may have created a new runner!

November's running goal is to keep up what I'm doing.  I am gradually increasing the distance I have been doing and I'll keep doing this in November.  Perfect base training for the new year!

October was going to be another sugar free month.  Whilst I am far from perfect, I have done a pretty good job of staying on track.  Of course I don't eat this way 100% of the time, but I'm definitely making sure that I don't over indulge.  Making this into a habit is going to go a long way to beating the battle of indulging over the Christmas party / New Year season!

christmas food               Mmmm ... food!

Has my body composition changed much in October?  Possibly not but I've kept up my weight training once a week and I know that this helps keep me strong and maintaining my body.
It looks like I have dropped a little bit according to the scales but they are so unreliable. 
I haven't taken any follow up measurements yet, not sure if I will just now .. I might wait another month.

Overall, I've been really happy with the way I'm going.  I'm sticking to my plans and everything seems to be working.  And I feel great and can keep going .. which is the most important thing for me!

Bring on November and the party season .. I can't wait for December!! But that's a whole new post about holidays to the USA to visit my sister!!

I hope everyone's plans are on track!  I would love to hear how you are going!

Stay focused,  Stay strong
Fit Mum x   


Emergency batch of muffins ...

Minor emergency .. nothing serious though ...

As usual I pack the kids school lunch the night before ( you know, being organised and all ) and I've just realised that there are no "appropriate" snacks for the kids school lunches.  It appears I've run out of home baked muffins, biscuits and slices.  And, as you have probably gathered from my previous posts I'm not a fan of the commercial snacks so there's no chips or other treats in the cupboard.  This is 9.30pm .. I can barely keep my eyes open. 

With the amount of food my kids are consuming at the moment, this could possibly mean there needs to be an emergency batch of muffins baked ... what choice do I have?

So, this morning, in between getting ready for work, school etc ... I whip up a batch of muffins.  I know I make a lot of muffins for the kids don't I? I love them ..they are quick and easy and I can hide fruit and veggies in them! Bonus!! Note .. Miss 9 does not like the apple chunks in the recipe below, but well, it's not her choice so she eats them under only a small amount of sufferance ...

This is today's batch ...

Apple and Oat Muffins

1 cup Self Raising Flour
1 cup Plain Flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup tightly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup rolled oats, plus 1 tbspn extra
1 1/2 cups ( 375ml ) natural yoghurt, at room temp
2 eggs, lightly beaten
100ml light olive oil ( I use canola oil )
1 red or green apple, chopped smallish

What to do ...

Preheat oven to 180C.  Prepare muffin pan with cases and spray with cooking spray.

Sift flours, and baking powder together.  Stir in oats and sugar.  Whisk yoghurt, eggs and oil together.  Add to dry ingredients with chopped apple and mix together until just combined.  Do not over mix.

Divide mixture into muffin cases until 3/4 full.  Sprinkle top with extra oats if you like.

Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown and cooked when tested.  Cool in pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to wire cooling rack.

Serve warm, not hot as this may burn your mouth ...  Mr Fit Mum, please note this ...

Store in airtight container for a few days ( if they last ) .. I keep them in the fridge and then pop them in the microwave for a few seconds to warm them up.

Lastly, off the muffin subject .. a shout out to the fabulous Liz from Last Chance Training .. I whipped up my own version of her Chicken Korma Burgers for dinner last night! YUM

Fit Mum x   

Mid week motivation ...

I don't know about you but everyso often I have a little habit of complaining about what is happening in my life with work, family, training, eating ...

" It's just not right .. "
" It should be like this ... "
" It would be so much easier if ... "

Maybe it's time to reconsider what really is going on 

"If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
 Maya Angelou

Fit Mum x