Fast Track Challenge Update .. Week 3 / 4

What do you do when you have made a commitment to yourself to complete a challenge but then run a little off track?

This was me last week .. Week 3 of the 8 week Fast Track Challenge. I was tired and really had to push myself to get out the door to do my scheduled workouts.
I won't say I was hungry, but I was craving everything. I can't even tell you exactly what I was craving. I just wanted something. You know that "stand in front of the pantry door scanning" type of feeling.
Thankfully, I don't have a lot of "treats" in the house and sadly nothing that I was craving!

Did I also mention that there was no change in the scales! Hmmm, not happy. That was a bit of a wake up call!

This week, I'm back in the right head space. I won't say I'm following the exact menu plan ... well, to be honest, I've always wandered around the plan a bit, never following it exactly.
What I am doing though is focusing on eating the right foods and using the plan as a bit of a guide, especially at dinner times.  If I'm hungry I'll eat something that will provide me with nourishment, not a quick fix.  Again, I'll say it's great that someone has planned my menu!
I'm also feeling a lot better in my training sessions this week. I still have to ignore myself if I have to get out of bed early for a run! Do it, don't think, works every time.
A yoga class this week also helped me refocus. Oh my poor hips, they felt all stretched out for a day. All good now!!

What do you do if you veer off track? 
Are you able to get yourself back into your routine, or do you get run over by that wagon you fell off of?

If you are off track now, get back on!! Don't leave it any longer! You made that commitment to yourself .. stick with it to the end!

                                                                   Source: via Vicki on Pinterest

Stay healthy & active!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ha, the same happened to me!!! The scales not shifting ...I think it gets harder and harder to make them shift and was has to do more and eat less:( Falling off the food wagon is pretty much a given for me on a regular basis, although I mostly eat healthily I eat A LOT:)

Kek said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I can never seem to follow meal plans, no matter how great they are. I think I just go into "don't tell me what to do" mode, like a stubborn six year old. ;o)

I always prefer to have a set of guidelines to work within, that allows me to be flexible with my meals. You know, calorie limit and percentages of protein, carbs and fat to work within.

1200 cals is a bit confronting when you're used to a fair bit more. Good luck with it.

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm usually more 'off track' than on, so my method is just to go with it and remember that even when off track, there is such a thing as the best choice in the circumstances. This seems to be working.

Deb said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yes, getting back on track before going too far astray is always important. I know I've certainly not achieved that sometimes. If I have food I shouldn't then I sometimes just keep going as I've already 'ruined' my attempt at a diet.

Char said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks for your comment on my post. It probably was me at Woolies if you were at Indooroopilly. Small world!