Friday Fotos ... February Photo a Day Challenge

One of my "things to do" for this year is to take more photos and become a bit more photography savvy.  So when I saw the "January Photo a Day" challenge I must say I felt a bit envious of everyone who was taking part.

I was rather curious when I stumbled on a post by Nikki from Styling You about the things she learned from taking a photo a day. Then I read that FatMumSlim was running another challenge .. "February Photo a Day" ( #febphotoaday ) .. Yay, I'm in!!

I'm going to take a photo a day for the entire month of February and post them to Instagram.

I will also add them to my Friday Foto post each Friday (duh!) so you can see my creative masterpieces attempts at photography ...

Today is day three, so here are my current inclusions ...

Day 1 .. Your view today ...


Day 2 .. Words ...

Day 3 .. Hands ...

I would love to hear your thoughts!

It's not too late to join either .. Just sign up on Instagram and start snapping and sharing!

Fit Mum x   


Deb (Schmiet) said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I actually thought about doing it but then suddenly several days had passed and it felt like it was too late to start.

I must read Nikki's blurb about what she got out of it though!


Vicki said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It's not too late! Start tomorrow!