It's Day 5 of Sugar Free September!
How is everyone going?
I'm going really well! No "cravings" at all .. Though I admit to walking past those fundraising Natural Confectionery Company packets of snakes and thinking that I wouldn't mind snacking on some .. But I kept walking and didn't think about it again. Lollies are probably my biggest vice but once I've made the decision not to have them I'm good to go!
Needless to say, I don't mind the odd sweet treat during the week and whilst I'm not feeling like I'm missing anything I thought that as a Father's Day treat I would make up some Chocolate Fudge Brownies. What?! I hear you all crying! But wait .. I found a sugar free version! Well, they're not exactly brownies but they taste good!
This is the recipe I used and a link to The Healthy Chef page with the recipe ...

2 cups mixed nuts .. I used almonds, brazil and macadamia ( because that's what I had )
1 cup soft mejool dates, pitted and chopped
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup ( or so ) raw cacao powder ( I use Mrs Flannery's )
pinch of sea salt
2 tablespoons water
Combine nuts into food processor and process until roughly chopped. Add in the dates, vanilla, cacao powder and salt and process to combine. I like my mixture a little crunchy. You don't have to add the water but if it looks a bit dry add a tablespoon or so at a time.
Press into a small square baking tin .. I used a loaf tin lined with baking paper.
On the link there is also a quick recipe for a caramel frosting .. I didn't make this. It really was rich enough on it's own!
The result .. kids and in laws had theirs served with a scoop of ice cream. My father in law declared that it would be equally as nice served with a dollop of cream ( his preference obviously! ). It was a hit! And so easy to whip up ... takes about 10 minutes and that's if you diddle around a bit!
The best part for me .. there were some left overs so I had another little treat for lunch on Monday .. and Tuesday!
Stay strong, stay healthy!
These look yummy but I don't like dried fruit 'in' things. I can eat sultanas by themselves but not in anything and don't eat dates.
I wonder what I could use instead. More nuts?
@Deb Hmmm Deb .. will have to think what you could use as you need something to bind it all together ... it doesn't taste like dates though ;)
One of my favourites, amazing how you wouldn't ven know dates were in there!x
@Karla {Ironmum Karla} they are great Karla! I'm actually about to whip up a batch of your Choc protein balls!
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