My challenge to me ..

Well, the kids are back at school and we are working on that routine that I keep trying to manage.  Now it's time to think about what I am going to do ... work, clean up after everyone, work, look after me. 

I have been thinking about this for a while and I might use this time now to really focus on getting my body into the shape that I want it in.  Yep, I have a wishlist for my body ... not that it's too bad, I would just like to make a few adjustments!
My added motivation here is that I need to do this for work. I am pretty fit at the moment but there's always room for improvement.  And as a Personal Trainer, I will never make any of my clients do anything that I can't do myself .. so when I train them hard rest assured I have trained just as hard!

Anyway, I'm rambling.  My focus is getting my body and fitness to what I'm thinking is my ideal.  This at times seems a bit overwhelming I must admit as it will mean a lot of hard work.  But I mustn't use this as an excuse .. and I can think up heaps of excuses!!

Even though I have a vision, it's a longish term vision.  I think that if I break it down into little goals maybe I'll have more success.  I will be able to get excited at my own progress.  So having said this now, and this being day 1 of the new committed me, I will make a weekly goal and challenge.  They are only going to be small but each will get me closer to what I want.

This week, I will increase my water intake ... it's been a bit lacking lately and maintaining hydration is so important. 
I have also promised myself that I will do some form of exercise at least 5 days this week.  This is only adding 1 or 2 extra sessions in, surely it can't be that hard. No excuses ...

OK, now that I have committed this to paper ( well, sort of ) and when my gorgeous role model sees this .. I'll have to answer to not only myself!

I will report my success ...

Fit Mum x